We are planning a Soft Reopening beginning Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020 with a limited schedule. As we get students and instructors used to the new Covid-19 requirements, we will consider adding classes and returning to the full schedule sometime in July. We will offer Zoom classes concurrently with our classes for those who are maintaining self-quarantine.

*Zoom classes will be available online at these same class times, following along with our school sessions
Steps we're taking to minimize risks while attending classes:
We will be cleaning the mats before every class, and will wipe down other surfaces multiple times a day including training equipment, chairs, reception/lobby area, restrooms, cubbies for shoes, and the office/storage area.
New protocol for students when returning for classes:
1) All students must use the hand sanitizer when they come in.
2) All visitor’s temperatures must be taken before they may enter the facility. Any Staff or Clients with a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or above, or who answer yes to any of the screening questions will not be allowed to enter the Academy.
3) The student (or Parent/Guardian) must sign the additional Covid-19 waiver form before participating in classes.
Our guidelines are primarily derived from information from St. Louis County protocols for personal services which may involve close contact during the Covid-19 pandemic. In most cases, these guidelines are derived directly from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Due to the close contact nature of our training services, an abundance of caution should be exercised to mitigate or prevent exposure to illnesses spread by respiratory transmission (including COVID-19). Persons who are more vulnerable or at-risk for said illnesses as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — including those who are over the age of 60 or those who have severe underlying medical conditions — should take extra precaution or avoid in-person training services during the initial phase of re-opening. We strongly encourage participating in our online Zoom classes, or setting up individualized online sessions.
Instructors and Staff
• Upon arrival at Kali Academy, all instructors and staff must be masked, and must undergo health checks (e.g., temperature and symptom screening) at the start of each arrival to the facility.
• We will conduct health checks safely and respectfully, and in accordance with any applicable privacy laws and regulations.
• Confidentiality will be respected.
• Instructors and/or staff should complete the screening log for all other staff and/or clients/students who are present during the shift.
Screening should include:
1) a temperature check, if it can be performed with a touchless thermometer,
2) asking about the presence of cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle ache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell; and
3) asking if the staff member or client/student has had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
· Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, new or worsened cough, trouble breathing, new or worsening body aches, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.
· Staff or Clients with a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or above, or who answer yes to any of the screening questions must not be allowed to enter the Academy. Staff or Clients who develop any symptoms of respiratory illness while in attendance must immediately be sent home. Staff or Clients with symptoms should contact their healthcare provider for additional guidance.
· Staff or Clients who are sent home with symptoms should not return to Kali Academy until they have met CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation or they have been cleared to return by their healthcare provider.
• If a Staff Member is diagnosed with COVID-19, we will work with local health agencies to ensure all Staff and Clients or Students who can be identified as having had close contact while the Staff Member was infectious are contacted. While awaiting formal investigation, we will compile a list of staff, clients, students, or other people known to be in close contact with the person diagnosed with COVID-19. Staff Members, Clients, and/or Students identified as having close contact should be immediately sent home or told not to return to Kali Academy until the investigation has been conducted.